Friday, March 7, 2008

Giving feedback about the 23 things program

I think I can, I think I can, I did it! Thank goodness for the extended cut-off date for the 23 things project.

It’s been a very interesting project but I had to do a lot of it in my own time. Working two days a week and having 2.5 days of work to cover doesn’t leave any spare time on campus. I don’t begrudge the time though – I like to learn new things, especially with regard to making computers work.

23 Things has helped me to connect with colleagues from other campuses whom I’ve not had a chance to meet in person. The shared tasks have given me insight into those I might not otherwise get to know.

I’m not likely to get into using FaceBook. I don’t see it being applicable for my current work duties and the few of my writing colleagues who subscribe haven’t found it useful for their networking.

Some of the resources were terrible time-vortices (I'm looking at YOU, Second Life and YouTube *g*) and I will keep away from them during workhours, but and
igoogle have found their way into my work practices.

I feel more comfortable with some of the technology and social projects that I had not yet explored. I already had a personal account for Flickr and a basic feed reader, but it’s good to expand my knowledge of other resources. I also feel more knowledgable about the Library 2.0 movement.

My 23 things blog will go into hiatus now, as I have a regular LiveJournal. I wish everyone who has participated in 23 things an online farewell, and thank you to those who have administrated this intriguing staff development project.

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