Thursday, October 18, 2007


Welcome to the first posting of Libraries at the Threshold, where I will likely natter on about the impact of new technologies on the delivery of information services to libraries. I might even sneak in links to bellydancing librarians and things equally jingly and spangly.

I will most likely use this mainly for the "23 things" project at Swinburne, as I already have a personal livejournal account. I anticipate learning quite a lot from this project - I may feel comfortable with blogging and posting photos to flickr, but there are lots of other technologies yet to explore. I wish you good luck in your own information adventure, and will hopeful have something of interest to post later.

Hopefully my blog will be added to the list soon. I feel like I'm talking to the ether.


1 comment:

Jane W said...

Hi Melinda

Not the ether, there are people out there. My most exciting moment so far in the 23 things project was getting my first comment on a post form a complete stranger. The post was titled "Is email controlling your life?" the person who commented had just published a book on email. One of his marketing strategies was to search the www, that way he hit upon my blog.