Thursday, October 25, 2007

Feeding my information hunger

Or playing with RSS feeds:

Apologies for the rushed post: I'm squeezing in 23 things tasks as a refresher for my poor Endnote-obsessed work brain.

I've already played with some feeds via my personal homepage, but I was a good librarian and followed instructions. I now have Google Reader set up with three feeds:

1. author Neil Gaiman's journal from his website
2. Pub Rants: an agent blog from
3. Tokyo Trash Baby's blog from our own 23 things group.

I'll work on the library feeds soon. I'm finding most of the bellydancing librarian blogs are on livejournal - I can view them from my own lj account, but I'm not finding any options for RSS feeding them without having to set up a feed specially. I shall investigate further when I have a free moment or two...

I'm weak - I ended up going to Technorati and looking for librarian blogs there. I found it less than user-friendly, but have now added feeds to:

4. Free Range librarian
5. - an Australian libraries blog

and, because Endnote is eating my brain:

6. the official Endnote blog

I've used old text readers in the past, and can see how having something like google reader would facilitate the quick browsing of relevant postings. However I don't see how I will be able to wedge that task into already full workdays.

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